2d collision shape editor


Edit your collision shapes for Box2d, Chipmunk, Ninja, P2, Arcade

Works with any game engine, including:

The fastest way to create collision shapes

Create your collision shapes in 5 simple steps:

Create physic collision shapes in seconds

Adapts to your needs.

Configure PhysicsEditor's UI and output formats to mach your needs.

Your workflow

Many engines supported out of the box
PhysicsEditor is pre-configured with a variety of game and physics engines such as Box2d, Nape, P2 and others.
Need additional parameters?
Add custom parameters to global settings, physics bodies or fixtures. Supported are: Numbers, strings, booleans and bit fields.
Create your own data format
XML? JSON? Source code? No Problem: Use the built-in template engine to create your own output formats.

Don't know how to get started?

Check out our tutorials section for help!


How to use physics with cocos2d-x


How to create physics shapes for Phaser 3 and Matter JS


LibGDX Beginner Tutorial: Sprite Sheets & Physics with Box2d
More tutorials are available in our tutorials section.

Easy to use editor

Shape tracer

Let PhysicsEditor create the collision outlines automatically

Tracer with live preview

The tracer displays the traced shape in while you tweak the settings.

Use the tracer tolerance to get the optimum ratio between shape fit and vertex count.

Shape editor

Use the vector editing tools to manually tweak your shapes

Shape creation tools
Use the shape editor to create the collision elements, your physics engine supports: Circles and polygons
Multiple fixtures per body
Create detailed fixtures for each body part to distinguish where a collision was detected: Head, limbs, torso.
Use sensors to detect incoming collisions
Sensors can detect if a game object is close to another without already touching it. E.g. let your game character stretch out his arms before hitting a wall.

Convex decomposition

Done for you....

Almost all physics engines do not support concave collision shapes. The shapes have to be destructured into convex sub-polygons.

You don't have to care about this because PhysicsEditor automatically exports the shapes as convex polygons.

Collision & Physics Parameters

Physics parameters

These parameters define how an object behaves in the physics engine

Physics parameters
Edit physics parameters on fixtures and collision bodies: Mass/Density, Friction, Restitution, Elasticity, Bounce
Collision parameters
Edit collision parameters on fixtures and collision bodies: Collision groups, categories, masks and filters.
Own parameters
Create and edit your own custom parameters by creating a custom exporter.