A list of tutorials covering Angular and how to translate your application using ngx-translate.
We currently have these 5 tutorials tagged with ngx-translate:
Free tutorial: Set up Angular with ngx-translate, switch language at runtime, extract translations, edit translation files. Covers Angular 17 and 18
Free tutorial: Set up Angular with ngx-translate, extract translations from code, switch translations at runtime, edit translation files. Covers Angular 8-16
Free tutorial: Learn how to use @angular/localize to translate your Angular 9 app with xliff (xlf) files. Covers ICU syntax. Example source code included.
Free tutorial: Set up Angular 7 with ngx-translate, extract translations from code, switch translations at runtime, edit translation files.
You learn: How to set up ngx-translate, automatically keep your translation files up to date with ngx-translate-extract and edit multiple JSON files at once.