Posts tagged with vue-i18n

Our tutorials and blog posts tagged with vue-i18n
We currently have these 4 tutorials tagged with vue-i18n:

How to translate your Vue.js 3 application with vue i18n
How to translate your Vue.js 3 application with vue i18n

Free tutorial: Set up Vue.js with vue-i18n. Translate your templates, create and edit json translation files, switch translations at runtime. Covers Vue 3.

Why using i18n sections in vue.js single file components is bad
Why using i18n sections in vue.js single file components is bad

Using vue.js single file components with <i18n> sections for your translations? Learn why you should not do that and what alternatives there are.

How to convert vue-i18n from single file components to JSON
How to convert vue-i18n from single file components to JSON

In this tutorial shows you how you can convert your vue-i18n project from using translations in vue files (single file components, sfc) to using JSON files.

How to translate your Vue.js (v2) application with vue-i18n
How to translate your Vue.js (v2) application with vue-i18n

Free tutorial: Translate your Vue.js (Version 2) application with vue-i18n. Learn how to organise your translations in .vue or .json files.