Drawing tools

Use the draw tools to manually modify the normal maps. They also work great in combination with the Selection tools which prevent painting over areas you want to preserve.

Height brush

The height brush raises or lowers parts of the image.

Lit sprite
Normal map

Choose different border shapes by selecting a Contour

]Increase brush size
[Decrease brush size
XToggle up/down
SHIFT + Mouse clickDraw straight line

Angle brush

Directly paint surface directions on the normal map.

Angle brush tool to paint normal maps on sprites
Using the angle brush tool
]Increase brush size
[Decrease brush size
SHIFT + Mouse clickDraw straight line
ALT + Mouse clickPick angle from image

Angle picker

Choose the angle to draw using the angle picker. The white square shows the orientation of the final surface.

Angle picker for normal map painting, continuous values
Angle picker for normal map painting, fixed values
Angle brush picker with continuous values
Angle brush picker with fixed values


Eraser is a special version of the AngleBrush resetting the normal map to the neutral position.

With opacity set to a low value it can be used to soften extreme angles.

]Increase brush size
[Decrease brush size
SHIFT + Mouse clickDraw straight line


Paint structure to the normal map.

SpriteIlluminator comes with a bunch of different presets but you can also add your own patterns in the preferences.

Make sure to restart SpriteIlluminator after changing the directory.

]Increase brush size
[Decrease brush size
SHIFT + Mouse clickDraw straight line


Smooth flattens structures and edges.

]Increase brush size
[Decrease brush size
SHIFT + Mouse clickDraw straight line