CodeAndWeb's Dev Blog

Read our blog with the latest tutorials about game and web development, product updates and more.

What's new in BabelEdit 4
What's new in BabelEdit 4

Learn about the new features we've added to BabelEdit 4: Language packages, tree view in Flutter

How to avoid hydration errors in Gatsby with React.lazy
How to avoid hydration errors in Gatsby with React.lazy

I encountered several hydration errors while using Gatsby with React.lazy - this is how I solved them.

Why using i18n sections in vue.js single file components is bad
Why using i18n sections in vue.js single file components is bad

Using vue.js single file components with <i18n> sections for your translations? Learn why you should not do that and what alternatives there are.

How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 6
How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 6

Free tutorial: Create optimized animations & sprite sheets for PixiJS 6, speed up startup of your app, reduce download size. Full demo source code included.

What's new in BabelEdit 3
What's new in BabelEdit 3

Learn about the new features we've added to BabelEdit 3: Custom languages, improved search and filtering, parameter support for flutter, text transformations

How to create light effects in Phaser 3
How to create light effects in Phaser 3

Learn how to create dynamic light effects with Phaser 3. Add depth to your flat 2d sprites with normal maps.

How to translate your Ember.js application with ember-intl
How to translate your Ember.js application with ember-intl

Free tutorial: Translate your Ember.js application with ember-intl. Learn how to organise your translations in yaml for json files.

How to translate Angular 14 apps: @angular/localize and xlf
How to translate Angular 14 apps: @angular/localize and xlf

Free tutorial: Learn how to use @angular/localize to translate your Angular 14 app with xliff (xlf) files. Covers ICU syntax. Example source code included.

How to translate your Flutter app (using intl 0.13.1)
How to translate your Flutter app (using intl 0.13.1)

Free tutorial: Learn how to translate your Flutter app and comfortably work with Application Resource Bundle (.arb) files. Old version.

How to translate Angular 9 apps: @angular/localize and xlf
How to translate Angular 9 apps: @angular/localize and xlf

Free tutorial: Learn how to use @angular/localize to translate your Angular 9 app with xliff (xlf) files. Covers ICU syntax. Example source code included.

How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 5
How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 5

Free tutorial: Create optimized animations & sprite sheets for PixiJS 5.x, speed up startup of your app, reduce download size. Full demo source code included.

How to translate your Vue.js (v2) application with vue-i18n
How to translate your Vue.js (v2) application with vue-i18n

Free tutorial: Translate your Vue.js (Version 2) application with vue-i18n. Learn how to organise your translations in .vue or .json files.

How to translate your Angular 7 app with ngx-translate
How to translate your Angular 7 app with ngx-translate

Free tutorial: Set up Angular 7 with ngx-translate, extract translations from code, switch translations at runtime, edit translation files.

How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 4
How to create sprite sheets & animations for PixiJS 4

Free tutorial: Create optimized animations & sprite sheets for PixiJS 4, speed up startup of your app, reduce download size. Full demo source code included.

How to create physics shapes for Phaser 3 and Matter JS
How to create physics shapes for Phaser 3 and Matter JS

Tutorial: Create a demo with Phaser 3 and the MatterJS physics engine. Learn how to create collision polygons from complex shapes. Free source code included.

How to translate your Angular 6 app with ngx-translate
How to translate your Angular 6 app with ngx-translate

You learn: How to set up ngx-translate, automatically keep your translation files up to date with ngx-translate-extract and edit multiple JSON files at once.

How to use physics with cocos2d-x
How to use physics with cocos2d-x

Learn how to create collision shapes for your physics enabled cocos2d-x game.

Tutorial: Creating a game with Phaser and P2 Physics
Tutorial: Creating a game with Phaser and P2 Physics

Learn how to create a physics enabled game using Phaser and P2 Physics Engine.