CodeAndWeb's Dev Blog

Read our blog with the latest tutorials about game and web development, product updates and more.

cocos2d-x dynamic light tutorial
cocos2d-x dynamic light tutorial

Tutorial: Create amazing 2d light effects for your Cocos2d-X game using normal mapped sprites.

SpriteIlluminator: Normal map painting
SpriteIlluminator: Normal map painting

Enhance your generated normal maps with the new structure tool

2d dynamic lighting tutorial for Unity
2d dynamic lighting tutorial for Unity

Tutorial: Create amazing 2d lighting effects for your unity game using normal mapped sprites.

Getting started with Starling
Getting started with Starling

Getting started with Starling - A Flash game development framework

Getting started with Gideros and PhysicsEditor
Getting started with Gideros and PhysicsEditor

Full example with source code how to use PhysicsEditor with Gideros SDK